Create Mode Tutorial Gems!


Here is where I will put all those great Create Mode tutorials I find that other devs have made to help the Content Creator Community. Be sure to thank them for sharing their knowledge with us all! *group hug*


Texture Swapping In create Mode (Very Basic Tut) by Dalamar1013
Bascis on how to apply your texture to a mesh

Reset default eyes in your custom head. by Dalamar1013
Meesed up your head derive? This is how to fix it.


Particles for Dummies

Several User Creators do waht IMVU rufuses, Write a tutrial on Particles.


Remove Mesh Tutorial

by gunzablazen

Learn how to use only the parts of a derivable clothing item you want too.


TUTORIAL: How to create layerable hair – Visual Walkthrough

by Angelskiss2007
Learn how to turn a derivable hairstyle into hair extensions.


~TUTORIAL- Create mode and XML
by MissVix

How to insert flash assets into a product.



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